Will work for Prada

Will work for Prada
Shannons Seattle

Monday, January 24, 2011

Alrighty then ... The job search continues. Does anyone want to hire someone intelligent, good-looking, funny, talented, sophisticated, efficient ...? Apparently not. No, it seems that the majority of people looking to hire are only interested in whether or not I have a degree and/or can pass a credit check. Excuse me? What the hell does my credit rating have to do with my abilities?
Why is a 24 year old with a Bachelors degree and a credit score of 800 more qualified than I am? Why arent you even INTERESTED in speaking with me unless I have a degree?
Because you're a bunch of pretentious bastards, that's why. Seriously folks, I am more intelligent and suited for the position regardless of whether or not I have a freaking 400 credit score ... or lack a degree. So, you equal opportunity employers ... not truly equal opportunity are you? I suppose if I were too poor (or distracted) 20 years ago to finish college, its some sort of sign that I am not dedicated, motivated or innovative? Screw that!!
I have been passed over for positions, most recently to manage a consignment shop on a part time basis. I have owned a clothing store, worked retail, purchased and sold a LOT of furniture, sold a LOT to consignment shops, and purchased a LOT from consignment shops. I have also studied accounting (received straight A's thank you very much) and have actually WORKED and had EXPERIENCE in bookkeeping, accounts receivable and collections. I might add.
But, that's okay, you're "going in a different direction." You'd rather hire someone with a better credit rating than mine and/or someone twenty years younger.
I guarantee I will work hard and perform better than any one else you would ever dream of hiring. I sound like an ad for a sexual enhancement drug.
My Uncle died at the age of 67 -- with shit credit. You know why? He didn't have any. He always paid cash and didn't use credit cards. Purchased his cars outright (like me) and lived in a VERY modest apartment. Never owned a home.
He had a genius IQ. He was in the Navy, went to Yale and graduated head of his class. He spoke fluent Japanese and Chinese. The CIA and Secret forces tried in vain to recruit him .... What'd he do? He played Banjo and worked at freaking Rite-Aid for over 30 years.
What's my point?
Oh yeah ... I am pissed that I cant get a job. I am angry that I have all of this talent, charisma and "charm" and no one is willing to graciously accept it. I am upset that most retailers are in the opinion that an individual with a bachelors degree would make a better manager or assistant manager. What sort of bachelors degree are we talking about? I didn't know that ass-kissing was an actual field of study. Ass-kissing is an art, you know. PERSONAL relations IS AN ART ... but it is an art that is not learned in a class room, it is human experience. You can not get a degree in it. Love, compassion and an honest commitment to wanting to make others feel good is something you are born with. It is something that grows within you. Am I smart and focused enough to prepare spreadsheets, meet goals and exceed profit forecasts? Absolutely. I am at the same time a human being with a natural ability to and desire to make people happy.
I have the Chinese symbol for benevolence tattooed on my left ankle. Above it is a banjo and the words "Uncle Gene." I believe in true human kindness. I believe that the right job will come along. I might even work for Rite Aid.