Will work for Prada

Will work for Prada
Shannons Seattle

Thursday, March 3, 2011

GAS PRICES!!! What the HECK is up with the freaking United States of America??? Oil companies have been #1 in profits for how many years??? FOREVER??? I am sick and tired of the United states letting oil companies get away with gouging its citizens. The price of gas has gone up a ridiculous amount ... and for what reason? The conflict in Libya? WHAT THE F@%?!
Libya isnt even one of the top 15 countries that supplies oil to the United States. In fact, CANADA is our number one supplier, EH?? Mexico is the #2 supplier, Que??? WHAT ON EARTH is our problem? Why does our government let these oil companies blast their prices out of this world because of trouble in Libya? It happens every time ANY of our oil suppliers experiences conflict. I'll tell you why ... because our government makes money from it. The people dont ... the government does. "Land of the free" my ass. It's total bullshit. Land of the rich and getting richer and the poor getting poorer. In a time where oil companies should be GIVING away gas, they turn around and instead screw us over. I'M SICK OF IT!!!! WHY dont any news sources discuss and REALLY make an issue about the oil companies? Why hasnt ANYONE mentioned the FACT that we get barely ANY oil from Libya and there is NO excuse for the price hike at the pumps ... and for those homeowners that use oil for their heat source.