Time flies WAY too fast. Cant believe it's been so long since I posted a blog. Ah, well ... kids were on spring break and I was world traveling. Canada DOES count as world travel, right? I am thinking of moving to Canada because I am growing more and more "un-fond" of my current country of residence.
Two weeks ago I was at Bell-Square with my kids and my iPhone was stolen. You would THINK that if someone found my phone at a "mall" in Bellevue that it would be turned in. Well, as it turns out there are low-lifes in Bellevue too. Actually its the "Bellevue Collection," its no longer Bell-Square and it certainly isnt a mall! Gracious no ... Yeah, whatever ... all it collected FROM me was my iPhone.
I sat on a bench directly above the guest services area -- ya know, in the center of the MALL by the clock. I dished out some cash to the kids and set my phone down next to me. I proceeded to be a pin-head and leave the phone sitting there. We walked to Auntie Annes for a pretzel and WHAM ... some jerkoff had picked up my phone and turned it off.
I reported it immediately ... but of course, nothing could be done. Bell-Square has video surveillance but for some STUPID reason, their cameras are mounted IN the ceiling and all that they could pick up was a picture of the pole NEXT to the bench where I was sitting.
I also immediately went to AT&T and the Apple store. AT&T was very helpful and shut down the ability to use the sim card in the iPhone ... and they gave me a new sim card to use. What WASNT helpful was that they informed me that I had to wait until May 20th before I could purchase another iPhone without "penalty." They tried to lighten the blow by allowing me to upgrade to the 4G thirty days early -- which means I can actually upgrade on the 20th of this month. It ends up saving me $400 ... so I guess I will PAINFULLY wait another 9 days.
In the meantime, I am suffering with my daughters old Pantech Matrix. It likes to turn off without cause and I can't seem to figure out how to send text messages or retrieve voice mail.
I've almost hurled the thing about a dozen times. I was brought back down to earth by someone telling me he didnt have a cel phone at all ... so I guess I should suck it up.
Once again, I am reminded of a few things. I am reminded that I shouldnt keep all of my information on a "device." My Mac was stolen a little over a year ago and ALL of my pictures, the startings of three books and all of my personal information were on it ... LOST forever. I vowed not to let that happen again. Well, Dorkwad here did it again. All of my passwords, pictures and contacts were on my iPhone. Yes, I back it up (on my MAC!) but it doesnt protect me from the asshole that stole it. He (she?) already tried to get into my bank account -- jokes on them I closed that account over six months ago -- and Lord only knows what ELSE they've tried to get into.
Unfortunately, it reminds me that there are bad people out there. I used to believe that people were generally "good" but those feelings are fading ... and fast. While my iPhone being stolen isnt cause for anarchy, it is just another thorn in my side.
It reminds me that I need to be thankful for what I DO have.
I seriously have the best two kids on the planet ... and NOTHING that is taken away from me could take THEM away from me. I have a place to live, a cute doggie and ... a pretty darn great family.
While I am still contemplating moving Canada ... because they are just so darn friendly up there, eh ... wherever I am ... I will always have WHAT I GOT!
Glad you ended on a positive note Shannon! Sometimes when you focus on the negative, that's all that you can see. Been there, done that....wasted a lot of my life worrying about everything that was wrong with it instead of all that was right! Hope you don't move to Canada, I'm sure there are just as many "bad" people there as well. Sorry to hear about your iphone, you should pick up a cheap portable hard drive and back up to that and keep it separate from your computer and phone when not in use. That's what I do anyway. Not perfectly fail safe, but at least another source for my info. Love you Shan!